


j9九游会登陆入口 前身成立于2003年,2008年正式组建上海霍普建筑设计事务所有限公司,2015年完成股份制改造,2021年在深圳证券交易所创业板上市。(股票简称:j9九游会登陆入口 ,股票代码:301024)

j9九游会登陆入口 具有建筑工程甲级资质。是2023年上海市“专精特新”企业,上海市科学技术委员会高新技术企业,上海浦东新区认定研发机构,上海市BIM技术创新联盟成员,并拥有40多项专利,60多个软件著作权和知识产权。

j9九游会登陆入口 总部位于上海,经过多年积累与发展,凭借先进的国际化理念,扎实的设计及运营实力,在居住社区、商业办公、城市更新、产业园区、文化教育、医疗康养以及绿建和建筑节能等领域,已成为国内一线开发商、政府机构与企业建筑设计技术与咨询服务方面的综合解决方案提供者,大量优秀作品已付诸实施和完成,在业内享有较高的知名度和良好声誉。

2022年j9九游会登陆入口 控股新能源企业江苏爱珀科科技有限公司,进入建筑绿能赛道。在中国双碳背景下,j9九游会登陆入口 秉持“绿色、创意、智能”的核心理念,致力成为社区碳中和先行者,为建筑、园区与社区提供从策划到运营的综合低碳解决方案,在绿色建筑设计、绿色建材、绿色能源、碳资产管理、可持续生活方式等多个领域开展实践,履行企业的“碳”责任,推动社会可持续发展。

The predecessor of HYP-ARCH was founded in 2003, formally established Shanghai HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Co., Ltd. in 2008, completed the shareholding system transformation in 2015, and listed on the GEM Board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2021. 

HYP-ARCH holds Class A qualification for architecture engineering. It is listed as 2023 Elite Enterprises by Shanghai Municipal Government, a recognized high-tech company by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, a research and development institution by Pudong New District Municipal Council, also a member of Shanghai BIM Technology Innovation Alliance. HYP-ARCH has more than 40 patents, over 60 software copyrights and IP rights.

HYP-ARCH is headquartered in Shanghai. With years of development, it has become a leading provider of comprehensive solutions in architectural design and consulting services for residential, commercial, urban renewal, industrial, educational, healthcare infrastructures, green building and energy conservation. Leveraging advanced international concepts and robust design and operational capabilities, HYP-ARCH is recognized as a renowned provider for leading developers, government agencies and enterprises in China. Numerous outstanding projects have been successfully implemented, earning the company a high level of recognition and a solid reputation in the industry.

In 2022, HYP-ARCH acquired a controlling stake in the new energy enterprise Jiangsu Epoch Energy Technology Co., Ltd., marking its entry into the field of new energy. Against the backdrop of China's dual-carbon commitments, HYP-ARCH adheres to the core principles of "green, creative, and smart." The company is committed to being a pioneer in community carbon neutrality, providing comprehensive low-carbon solutions from planning to operation for buildings, parks, and communities.

In various domains such as green building design, eco-friendly construction materials, renewable energy, carbon asset management, and sustainable lifestyle, HYP-ARCH actively engages in practical initiatives. The company aims to fulfill its corporate "carbon" responsibilities, driving forward social sustainable development.

龚 俊

j9九游会登陆入口 董事长、总经理






j9九游会登陆入口 继续秉承“专注和创新”的企业理念,以可持续发展为主题,以城市规划、建筑、室内、景观设计为重点,运用数字化工具,结合新能源等多种新型技术,为中国城乡建设提供低碳的、可持续发展的全面解决方案。

赵 恺

j9九游会登陆入口 董事、设计总裁





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